sexta-feira, março 16, 2007

Para o dia Mundial da Poesia


Récita de Poesia

Horário: 21 de Março, 21 horas

Local: Casa da América Latina (Av 24 de Julho)

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

I can' t know the hell you love
But i know you' ve had enough
Some baptize in water some in flames
In flames
In flames

Don' t you give me a reason to mourn
Don' t you give me a reason to mourn
Look into my eyes with all your hate and scorn
But don' t you give me a reason to mourn

What has life done to you
All you ever wanted was someone to run to you
There' s more to life then what makes you cry
What makes you cry
I want save you by

Don' t you give me a reason to mourn
Don' t you give me a reason to mourn
Look into my eyes with all your hate and scorn
But don' t you give me a reason to mourn
I' ll remove the crown of sorrow wich you have been adorned
But don' t you give me a reason to mourn

Don' t you give me a reason to mourn
Don' t you give me a reason to mourn
Look into my eyes with all your hate and scorn
But don' t you give me a reason to mourn


Clotilde S. disse...

Olá Inês,
Peregrina das letras, vim visitar o teu santuário, como prometido.

Já li os recantos do teu "Quarto escuro".
Gostei muito.

Beijo amigo
